Saturday, May 3, 2014

Project 365 A photo a day - Weekly update (wk18)

What a beautiful week, I have managed to get outdoors and work in the garden and yard, tidying and planting new things, the weather has been amazing here in Texas, just perfect

It has been a fun week, where I visited a friend during the week and then we finished it on Saturday with my boy's Children's Art Festival, where he sang in the Auditorium of the Local high School

How was your week?

Day 117/365 - Hubs brought home praying mantis babies, we let them free in the garden, apparently they are a great natural pest control

Day 118/365 - I am loving Springtime right now, look at my climbing rose, its stunning this year - so many blooms

Day 119/365 - Getting the lawn ready for summer, watering and feeding

Day 120/365 - I visited my good friend today, I love her Texas stepping stone in her back garden

Day 121/365 - Now it's time to kill the ants, fire ants are such a pest here in Texas, spread, water then wait .....

Day 122/365 - my parents sent me Scottish daisy seeds, here they are, in their third year and finally flowering, daisies are my favourite flower

Day 123/365 - Hubs and I at the Children's art festival, hello !!!!

Now pop on over to The Boy and Me and check out some other great blogs that are taking part in the 365 Project this year - just click on the "365" logo below

TheBoyandMe's 365 Linky


  1. I love how effective your last photo is and the way your feet get into each :) #project365 x

  2. laughed at the feet and faces in the last picture, a very nice difference to see the top as well as the bottom of you. Fire ants sound nasty creatures hope the treatment works. Ooohhh enjoy the daisies while they last.

    1. Fire ants ARE nasty, glad they will be gone again soon. Glad u liked my face and feet photo lol

  3. Looks like the weather has been superb over there, makes it so much easier to get outside. Must have been great getting to that arts festival too :)

    1. The arts festival was such fun, my boys singing was cute, funny and brilliant, all of his year did a great job

  4. aaaa we've seen your face, not just your toes :) #project365

  5. So nice to see such gorgeous weather! We're enjoying the same here, although it's autumn now. Weird. I hope we get to see photos of the grown up mantis' in a few months!
    Love that last photo! Mind if I steal the idea? :D

    1. Hubby said most will die or get eaten but I hope we will see some! Glad you are having great weather too, ours is stunning and not set to change anytime soon, please use the photo idea, it was hubs idea today, I look forward to your take on it :)

  6. love the last picture! and the garden seems to be getting lots of attention this week :)

    1. Thanks Katie :) it is getting tons of attention

  7. Love the last photo, that is just brilliant. Lovely to see that you're getting so much time in the garden. That stepping stone is pretty cool :)

    1. Thanks Sara, I am loving our weather right now, perfect gardening weather for sure.

  8. gosh fire ants!! cringe!! hope you have another super week next week my lovely x

  9. Love the Texas stepping stone. I'm not sure if a Wiltshire one would look quite so effective!

  10. That selfie is amazing, I love the way that it's too angles at the same time! What are fire ants? Are they what we call red ants? They bite and are really nasty.

    Thanks for linking up to Project 365, the new linky is now live.


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