Saturday, May 17, 2014

Project 365 A photo a day - Weekly update (wk20)

Welcome back to my 365 photo a day project 

What a great week, starting with Mother's day here in the USA on Sunday, it was a perfect mix of relaxation and fun, with breakfast in bed and lunch and dinner out, what more could a mum ask for

The rest of the week was the usual hum drum of life, taking in the sights and sounds of life, a bit of Jazzercise, work and play and lunch with my great friends and neighbors on Thursday

How was your week? 

Day 131/365 - Reading to my boy in bed - a perfect end to a perfect Mother's Day here in Texas

Day 132/365 - This little guy was back at my front door this morning, Hello Mr Box Turtle

Day 133/365 - Oak tree reflection in the puddles in my driveway today

Day 134/365 - I am still so in love with this bathroom cabinet we installed in our bathroom makeover

Day 135/365 - Out to lunch with some great ladies today

Day 136/365 - Shower time, our shower is so big you can wash the car in it lol

Day 137/365 - at the garden center with my boy

Now pop on over to The Boy and Me and check out some other great blogs that are taking part in the 365 Project this year - just click on the "365" logo below

TheBoyandMe's 365 Linky


  1. Oh I need your shower! Love the oak reflection and what a lovely floor sign for the café. Glad you had a lovely Mother's Day - do you try and sneak in the British one too?!

    1. Ha! I think I need to sneak the British one, that's a good idea I have no idea why I never thought of it before :)

  2. Replies
    1. Cute eh? He's like my little garden friend

  3. I love the reflection of the oak tree, very clever!!! #project365

  4. Your shower looks fab! That turtle is lovely :) Glad you had a lovely Mother's Day x

    1. Thanks Sara, I hope your USA Mother's Day was lovely too :)

  5. loving the flowers lovely .. so bright and cheerful x

  6. ooh love the reflection of the oak tree :) did you keep the turtle? x

    1. Thanks, lol, no the turtle is hiding again, until I see him again,he visits regularly though ;)

  7. That reflection photo is ace! Great polka dot shoes too! #365

  8. Love your shower, it looks huge! Hope the turtle had a nice little walk :)

    1. Lol yes the turtle got to where he was going slowly ha!

  9. What an adorable little turtle! And agree that's a fab bathroom cabinet

  10. How many shoe shots?? Love the one of you and your friends out to lunch. Very colourful feet :)

    1. Ha! I do all my photos with my feet, all 365 of them will feature my toes, socks or footwear lol

  11. have to wonder how you get the car up the Like how your friends join in with your project. great reflection picture.

  12. Fabulous peep-toe sandals, very sexy for Summer! I also love the cafe photo, much promise to be had there. I would love a tortoise but they're difficult to have as pets in the UK; illegal to import them and so you can only inherit or buy those born in this country.

    Thanks for linking up to Project 365.


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