
Here is a quick list of all my Cooking on this blog, have fun browsing and cooking the Scottish Way

Savory dishes

Bacon wrapped Mini Sausages
Balmoral Chicken
Bangers and Mash
Brussels sprouts
Chicken Curry
Coronation Chicken
Cullen Skink
Fish & Chips
Fish Pie
Haggis Neeps & Tatties
Haggis Rolls
Haggis Soup
Lorne Sausage/Square Sausage
Mince & Tatties
Oat Cakes
Potato and Leek Soup
Quick ham & lentil Soup
Salmon & Asparagus Pasta
Sausage Rolls
Scotch Eggs
Split pea and ham soup
Steak Bridies
Steak Pie
Tattie Fritters
Tattie Scones

Sweet dishes

Apple & Pear Crumble
Apple Turnover with Lemon Drizzle Icing
Banoffee Pie
Battenberg Cake
Cherry Cake
Chocolate Cake
Chocolate Mice
Chocolate Tiffin
Clootie Dumpling (microwave)
Coconut ice squares
Dundee Cake
Empire Biscuits
Fairy Cakes
Fly Cemetery
Fruit Loaf
Hot Cross Buns
Ice Cream - Scotch whiskey flavour
Jammy Dodgers
Macaroon Bars
Macaroon Bars with cherries
Meringue Snowmen
Meringue with Whipped Raspberry Cream
Millionaires Shortbread
Mincemeat Pies
Mincemeat and Apple Pie
Peanut Brittle
Peppermint Creams
Puff Candy
Pumpkin Spice Trifle
Raspberry Pavlova
Rhubarb Tart
Rice Pudding
Scotch Pancakes
Sticky Toffee Pudding
Strawberry Shortbread Creams
Steamed Treacle Pudding
Summer Pudding
Swiss Roll
Tablet - in the microwave
Treacle Scones
Treacle Toffee
Victoria Sandwich Cake


Ginger Cordial
Hot Toddy


Burns Supper Suggestions


  1. cannot wait to see your exciting recipes, did you know there is a shortage of haggis this year due to lack of snow in the cairngorms

  2. looking forward to your scottish recipes

  3. Indeed, I am sure those sneaky toe-rags are harder to catch, *wink, wink*

  4. I stumbled upon this site while looking for a steak pie recipe for the coming holidays. My mother always made a steak pie for Christmas dinner, unfortunately I should have paid more attention during the preparation. You also have a lot of other favorites that she used to make; sausage rolls, oatcakes, steak bridies, fly cemetery, empire biscuits, clootie dumpling to name a few. Can't wait to try out the recipes!

    1. Hi Welcome, so glad you found me and you are loving the recipes. I hope they all taste exactly as your mother made, and I am so glad you remember so many of the old favorites. Enjoy and thank you :)

  5. Love your recipes do you have one for scottish rolls thanks

    1. If Angela doesn't have one, has more than one...

    2. Angela, I sent you a recipe for sausage at your other email address. I neglected to say, do NOT use lean/extra lean ground beef; ground beef with fat content is needed.

      annie in montana

    3. I do have recipes for Scottish rolls and for baps, watch this space

    4. Hi Angela found your site while looking for a recipe for puff candy, as we called it as children.Now an exile in England where it is called cinder toffee; I only typed in puff candy because I was feeling particularly Scottish today and thrilled to see you have taken the name to Texas. Also loved your description of New Years Celebrations. It took me right back to being a child - and that was more than a few years ago.

  6. Have searched high and low all over the world for "morning rolls", common only to Scotland. I was AMAZED to find the exact same morning rolls outside Sydney, Australia, in a Vietnamese bakery! My first trip to OZ, I spent the entire time never eating what was prepared for family dinner. Instead, I had hard-boiled-egg rolls, bacon rolls, bangers on rolls, black pudding rolls...HEAVEN! Froze four dozen and smuggled them back to my own freezer...How I wish a Scottish baker could be found here!

    1. Love it Annie, you share my love for morning rolls with a passion. I have just gotten back from a trip to Scotland where morning rolls were a daily thing for me. I am having withdrawal symptoms as we speak lol

    2. Angela, I took the liberty of posting your link on a site for members of Kirknewton AFB outside of Edinburgh, where many of us married fellas from there. I am quite sure there will be many visitors and those who sign-on to your site after my rave review!

    3. hi annie im in dundee atm but live in melbourne do you remember the name of the bakery outside sydney ?? haha

    4. I live in Canada .On our visit to Sydney ten years ago we found a bakery which sounds the same as yours. We even got plain sliced bread, rolls and and Paris buns

  7. Fabulous Recipes, will be trying a few of those. Thank you for sharing and helping celebrate Scotlands fine produce. It is Scotland's Food & Drink year 2015, I hope to bring some new ideas, recipes and local producers to my blog.

  8. Hi Angela: I'm a Scot, married to a Scot living in Houston. Love your recipes - wish I hadn't seen the one for Microwave Tablet though as I have a feeling I will be fair forced to try it out and I'm desperately trying to lose weight (not easy when you have a very tartan sweet tooth). A Canadian friend years ago told me I should just take the ingredients and smear them on my hips 'cos that's where it would end up anyway when I explained to her what tablet is!

    1. Hi fellow Scot in Houston ! I know what you mean about tablet, and if you make a batch you can't just have one square (argh) !

  9. My husband is a first generation american as both of his parents immigrated from Scotland. They were dear people and sorely missed. I cook many recipes that my mother in law gave me and miss her dearly. She used to make something called a fern cake which was actually a misnomer since they more closely resemble a tart. I remember they had walnuts in them and a butter crust. I have many of her recipes but can't find that one in any of her books. Can you help?

    1. Hi Kerry, I love that you are keeping the Scottish traditions alive through cooking your mother in laws recipes. I haven't heard of Fern cake - now you have me wondering

  10. Can't wait to make these recipes. My husband is from Dundee. He wants me to make Bridies


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