Monday, April 2, 2012

Scottish Recipes - Peppermint creams

This one is for my Sister

Pippa Pear's Peppermint Creams

Scottish Peppermint Creams

As a kid my sister and I used to make these, I was probably around 9 or 10 and she would be 6 or 7, she helped make them and we would eat them as we went along with no patience to wait to munch the peppermint creams at the end

So, I hoard everything, OK not everything, I mean I'm not like these crazy hoarders that walk around in 10 feet of hoarding trash and have dead cats under the sofa, but I keep some strange things...I have a box from primary school and high school and inside are things like a t-shirt, both school ties, I have poems and my art work and doodles and sketches, jotters, and I even have art work my sister did when she was around 7 years old.  I took great delight in showing her my treasure chest of memories and goodies, on one of her recent visits to see me in Texas, she was bemused at me still having these things, she is nothing like me, she said, will you chuck that junk out....including her art....I didn't, of course

So I'm making peppermint creams today and thanks to my hoarding expertise I still have the Munch Bunch Recipe from an old Munch Bunch Annual probably circa 1980, does that make it 'Vintage" ?

Munch Bunch Page 

In case you cant see it, its says at the top Pippa Pear likes making sweets almost as much as she likes eating them. Her special favourites are Peppermint Creams. Sometimes she makes them for her friend Adam Avocado as a special treat. Now she is going to tell you her secret recipe so that you can make some too.

I haven't made this stuff, in like, maybe 25 years, seriously, I used to make this as a kid

you will need

400g Icing Sugar/Powdered Sugar
2 large egg whites
Peppermint Essence
Green Food Colour
Lemon Juice

  • Sieve the Powdered Sugar/Icing Sugar into a mixing bowl
  • carefully separate eggs, putting egg whites into a small bowl
  • Beat whites lightly with a fork
  • pour egg whites into Icing Sugar/Powdered Sugar and mix well
adding egg white to sugar
  • add a few drops of peppermint essence, a few drops of lemon juice, a little of the green food colour and mix again
essence, juice and colour added
  • Knead lightly in the bowl with your hands
  • Sprinkle a little icing sugar onto a clean surface 
Peppermint Dough
  • Roll out the mixture to a thickness of a quarter inch
Cutting out the patties
  • The recipe says to cut into squares, I used a shot glass to cut out rounds
Peppermint patties
  • Arrange onto a plate and leave to harden, I placed them in the fridge
  • This is where I have adapted the recipe, I then melted some chocolate in the microwave and dipped the hardened rounds, only covering half (you can also completely cover the rounds if you wish)

melted chocolate
  • Again, leave to cool, letting chocolate harden, in fridge

Peppermint Creams


Hope I sent you down memory lane Sis

My Sis and I



  1. These look so good! I'm adding them to my growing 'to make' list.

  2. Glad u like them Peg, you need to get cracking on that list :)

  3. Oh My god! I remember us making these! I will never give you a hard time for hoarding again.

    1. I know right? They were just as delicious as i remember, I am making them again this weekend for easter at the Murchisons


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