Saturday, January 25, 2014

Project 365 A photo a day - Weekly update (wk4)

Welcome to another installment of "From where I Stand"

This week has been a great week of accomplishments as I got back into cooking for my blog in a big way and back into painting furniture which I also love 

We had a first this week, my boy had his first "snow day" closure from school. He was so excited to see snow in Texas, yeah well it never really happened, it was more of an ice storm with a sprinkle or a dusting of snowy rain turned to ice, not exactly snowman weather, poor little guy, none the less he was happy to be off school on a Friday

Our weather has been crazy, one minute its 75F with sunshine, the next its 25F with ice storms, it has been a weather yo-yo for sure

So sit back and enjoy the view from my feet this week

Day 19/365 - Enjoying a cup of tea in my PJ's as Hubby and I catch up with our favourite shows on TV on this perfect Sunday evening

Day 20/365 - Cleaning our pool this morning, the sun was so warm on my feet, it felt like Spring was definitely here (oh boy I was wrong - wintry conditions were headed our way)

Day 21/365 - getting back into my furniture painting groove, its my happy place, I love recreating old unloved furniture so they can be loved again and have new life and purpose

Day 22/365 - Out walking with friends and little friends on this glorious sunny morning, we saw 2 horses, 2 goats, 4 herring, and countless turtles along the bayou by our homes, it was a great start to a Wednesday

Day 23/365 - The cold and rain came in fast today, boots and socks back on, winter coat looked out again - Oh Texas you have such roller coaster weather

Day 24/365 - A rare sight in Texas, even in winter. Frost on the ground. I loved the sound it made, the crunch crunch reminded me of Scotland

Day 25/365 - Off to a 7th birthday party with my boy today

Now pop on over and check out some other great blogs that are taking part in the 365 Project this year - just click on the "365" logo below

TheBoyandMe's 365 Linky


  1. I seriously LOVE your feet photos! My favorites are the boots (both days) and your picture at the pool. What a difference a couple of days makes.

    I am wishing for warmer weather here, but it doesn't seem likely!

    1. It's been a varied week weather wise for sure. Hoping for warmer weather got you and me, it's still chilly here in Texas

  2. i am so so jealous you have a pool!!

    1. Lol Jaime, I clean it more than actually swim in it, it's an all year maintenance around here

  3. I love your theme of feet, I have to pinch that idea even for just a few shots x

    1. The feet perspective is cute eh? Even just for a few shots

  4. love the leopard print socks on Sundays. Nice that your son can see frost and other things not normal. Hope he enjoyed the birthday party

    1. Thanks, he loved the birthday party, it was a boys dream, basketball, nerd gun fights, and of course cookie cake :)

  5. What a great series! Love the pool side shot in total contrast to the warm winter boot!

  6. Wow - frost in Texas - that must've been a surprise! Love that picture though with the colour of the leaves.

    1. Thanks, it's kinda crazy but frost happens at least once of twice a year but hardly ever snow

  7. What a rollercoaster of a week so even better to see your perspective - especially taking the weather into account! From the pool shot to the frost, wonderful :)

    1. We are having a similar week this week, warm tropical temps then sudden drops with sleet -crazy

  8. I really do love your feet photos :) Loving the shoes in the painting photo... Hilarious that you had a snow day - with no snow :)

  9. Another great set of photos! Love day 22!


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