Saturday, January 11, 2014

Project 365 A photo a day - Weekly update (wk2)

Here is week 2 with my round up of "feet photos" as Mr Tartan calls them

I am loving taking part in Project 365 (a photo a day) and I am loving my theme, "From where I stand"

It has been so much fun so far and I can't wait to see what will be in store for this year and where my feet will take me

Steak with blue cheese, spinach & peppers
Day 5 /365 - Preparing steak for dinner stuffed with spinach, blue cheese and roasted red peppers (in the puppy slippers again)

Day 6 /365 - Last day of Christmas break. How about a day of fun and gaming at Chuck-e-Cheese's ?

Fall leaves
Day 7 /365 - Playing in the huge pile of leaves in a neighbour's yard on the way home from the first day back at school

Day 8 /365 - Jazzercise is my happy place. I am getting back into my routine

Salmon & Mango
Day 9 /365 - Preparing salmon and mango for dinner tonight. Hello slippers !

Dinner - fresh bell pepper, salsa
Day 10 /365 - Having our favourite family dinner tonight - Fresh tacos

Day 11 /365 - Out with my boy on this gorgeous day, he rode his scooter past many storm drains, we loved the ones with "City of Houston" the best

TheBoyandMe's 365 Linky


  1. your slippers are going to end up famous. I have to ask how on earth did you get the photo at that angle in jazzercise pic, you would have to bend in strange places? Piles of leaves are lots of fun

    1. Lol, I crouched down with my phone on the concrete and it took about 10 shots for me to get the angle right, I was nearly late for the class

  2. I love the leaves photo - just brilliant, definitely my favourite. They're all great though - it's a really nice perspective :)

  3. Fancy coming to mine to cook us some dinner? Goodness all sounds so lovely. Some great outings with your boy. Amazing how much fun a pile of leaves can be!

    1. yes I will pop round tonight lol, leaves are fun, my neighbour kept those leaves out for two weeks just so all the kids could play in them when they want, he bagged them yesterday, he such a great neighbour

  4. I'm loving these! They show such a great snapshot of your days. I love the Boy's face in the fall leaves photo, and I can't wait to come visit again and eat all your good food. ;)

    1. I can't wait either Peg, we can take feet photos together lol

  5. we love throwing leaves although sadly the time for doing that has ended now :(
    the pink of that tuna (?) is so vibrant as is the red toe nail varnish x

  6. I am loving thos slippers again Angela! lol i am also loving the look of that steak x

    1. Lol thanks, I am making use of the slippers, once it warms up I won't be able to stand them

  7. I so love this idea and angle! The leaves photo is inviting!

    1. The leaves were so much fun, the whole neighborhood kids were out this weekend in them

  8. Brilliant photos! I love your puppy slippers!

  9. mango and salmon what a combo i need to try that out soon! lovely pictures

    1. Yes this dinner was mango, lime juice and honey - super yummy

  10. Yum! The salmon sounds yummy, as does tacos. I especially love your Day 8 jazzercise photo! Great perspective on that one!

    1. Thanks, my two favourite things, eating and Jazzercise lol

  11. I love that you're getting your feet in every shot, what a great take on Project 365 :)

  12. Love your theme and fave photos are def the leaves and the drain covers!

  13. Oh that steak looks and sounds incredible! Love the leaves shot too. Thanks for stopping by my blog. Look forward to seeing what you've been getting up to next week.

  14. All that delicious food! It looks like it has been a good week.


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