Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Haggis, Neeps and Tatties

Well, here it is, my first ever Blog.

Tomorrow is January 25th, the day our famous Scottish Bard himself was born. Who am I talking about?

Robert Burns of course. Scotland's nationally loved poet.

Robert Burns

So it seems only fitting that my first blog is all about the much loved dinner being enjoyed by Scots all around the world on this day to celebrate Burns Night.

The Burns Supper.

you will need....

2lb/1kg Haggis
2.5lb/1.25kg Potatoes
1.5lb/750g Turnips 

serves 4

Haggis, Neeps and Tatties


The great mystery around the world, completely infamous. What is it exactly?

Perhaps its best if you don't ask.

It is indeed easier to purchase your Haggis from a supermarket, than to prepare it yourself, boiling the sheep's stomach and lights (lungs, heart, liver) mixed with oatmeal, onion, spices and seasoning, as I can only imagine its not too easy to purchase a sheep's stomach these days, emmm yeah!

Hello, you still there?


I do have a Haggis recipe at hand, complete with the pre-mentioned stomach but I will save that for another day.

Us Scots do have a laugh about Haggis, claiming that it is in fact a wild animal running around the Highlands, having two short legs and two long legs, making it tricky to catch...... tee hee !!!

So I am a modern Scottish lass and I get my Haggis by modern means, okay since you ask, my sister smuggled it in her suitcase for me (ooops! sorry to rat on you Sis),  its in a Can.

Tinned Haggis

I tried to get a Haggis more fitting for this blog from a local British Market but I left it too late and my order isn't here...so canned Haggis it is

This can above, holds the most yummy, spicy, oaty, sausage type meat ever, its really is a Scottish delicacy.

Next comes the Tatties (pealed, boiled then mashed potatoes with added milk and butter until preferred taste and consistency is correct)


And of course the Neeps


Neeps (turnips) are a family of the swede, a white or yellow peppery tasting hard vegetable with purple blemished skin. In USA I use Rutabagas if Turnips are unavailable.

Prepared the same way as the Tatties, peeled, mashed but with less butter (no milk) and heaps of ground pepper ... You have to be careful about the liquid in turnips, they can be soggy once mashed, so less butter to keep them drier.

I was talking to my dad in Scotland yesterday and he said no Burns Supper is complete without a smooth dram of Malt Whiskey, I am sure Mr Tartan Tastes would agree.

Malt Whiskey


Happy Burns Night my Scottish Pals and Scottish at heart Pals



To order Haggis UK  www.macsween.co.uk
To order Haggis USA www.goodwoods.com

To A Haggis, Robert Burns

Fair fa' your honest, sonsie face,
Great Chieftan o' the Puddin-race!
Aboon them a' ye tak your place,
Painch, tripe, or thairm,
Weel are ye wordy o' a grace
As lang's my arm


  1. Scotland's national drink "uisge beatha" (Gaelic for "water of life") is spelled without an "e" - i.e. whisky.

  2. Shame real haggis is banned by the FDA.

    And yes you need to take the "e" out.


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