Saturday, August 9, 2014

Project 365 A photo a day - Weekly update (wk28-32)

I'm here, I'm back

I have had a wonderful break with family and friends in Scotland and I am so glad you have all had patience with me as I took time to relax and enjoy spending every minute with people I care about and love

It has been 3 years since I was last in Scotland and 3 years since I last saw many of those wonderful people and faces

So thank you for sticking around and waiting on me

Here is my last 5 weeks shrunken down
"From where I Stand"

(wk28) This is the week my boy and I hopped on a plane and he got to see Scotland for the 3rd time in his life, this time he will remember more and retain it - I am excited

British Pounds 
Waiting on our flight to Scotland
There's no place like home

(wk29/30) Spending fun times with family and friends - our weeks without Mr Tartan Tastes

Family BBQ
Family fun at Callander Park, Falkirk
Family outing to Anstruther, Fife

(wk31) Mr Tartan Tastes joining us finally this week, the family fun continues

Dinner with friends
Crazy golf with family
The Floral Clock in Princes Street gardens, Edinburgh

(wk32) Our final week, we shopped for goodies to stash in our suitcase and had the best time ever

Fun in the park with Family
Expat shopping for Scottish goodies
My 2 homes -  Texas and Scotland 

Now pop on over to The Boy and Me and check out some other great blogs that are taking part in the 365 Project this year - just click on the "365" logo below

TheBoyandMe's 365 Linky


  1. Loads of lovely goodies that I suspect we all take for granted. We were in America whilst you were over here, and I think I was the same with some of the food.

  2. You're back! Hooray! Hope you had a lovely time. £50 notes - dont think I've ever had one of those and wheat crunchies, yum yum! When I lived in the states I missed Marmite, cadburys chocolate and Walkers crisps! My host family thought I was mad when my brother visited with a sack load of crisps :)

  3. welcome back, really pleased to read you had a good time. We have spent many a happy hour in Callander Park, always amazed me you needed more points to get a flat there than a house in some other areas of the town.
    Nice that your son is old enough to remember this holiday and your family and friends

  4. So glad you've had such a wonderful time :) Lovely to see the Floral Clock! My suitcase looks a bit like that too... Love the last shot x

  5. I love this! Love seeing your take on the FWIS theme in an area more familiar to me.

    Thanks for linking up to Project 365.

  6. I just love the way you capture your week perfectly with feet in every photo (I know I have probably said that before but I do think it is brilliant). Sounds like a really lovely week

  7. Wow, that's some ex-pat stash! Looks like you've all had a great time back home in Scotland. How lovely to get shot's of family and friends feet in too...a reminder of who you did what with! #365

  8. I love Scotland. Looks like you had a great time back there. Love the concept of your photos too! Great goodies to take back! #Project365


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