Saturday, February 8, 2014

Project 365 A photo a day - Weekly update (wk6)

Where have my feet taken me this week?

Well there was a lot of hanging with friends and plenty Jazzercise thrown in for good measure, the highlight was Friday night when we went to see The Lego Movie, it is a great movie, it's so funny and hilarious for kids and adults, we all laughed all the way through

Our Texas weather is still on the chilly side, too cold for a Texan and too cold for this wimpy ex-pat who used to brave the Scottish rain and winds like nobodies business

So without any hesitation lets get started with my week of feet

Day 33/365 - Preparing the veggies to go with the Steak that Hubby was grilling on the grill this Sunday evening

Day 34/365 - My boy and my Hubby had "Dinner with Dad" at school this evening, so I took the opportunity to relax in a nice warm bath with oodles of bubbles (This photo got featured on @Fromwhereyoustand on Instagram - I was so ecstatic)

Day 35/365 - Lunch out today to celebrate a friends birthday. It was cold and rainy here in Texas but nice and warm inside the restaurant with great friends for company, even little friends joined us

Day 36/365 - Jazzercise is my happy place. I try to go most week days. We used the big blue balls today

Day 37/365 - Well another flurry of snow and sleet this morning in Texas. My boy and I ran outside in our PJs to take photos and gather snow and put it in the freezer to show everyone later

Day 38/365 - The last of a sneaky stash of British chocolate. I figure I Jazzercise, therefore I get to have a treat from Scotland once in a while

Day 39/365 - My boy had a friends 7th birthday party today, so much fun in the bounce house place

Thanks for hanging with me for another week

Now pop on over to The Boy and Me and check out some other great blogs that are taking part in the 365 Project this year - just click on the "365" logo below

TheBoyandMe's 365 Linky


  1. Love all the feet shots! And, mmmmm, Galaxy chocolate - I miss that so much…!

    1. Galaxy really is the best isn't it? My Dad sent me a few bars and I saved that one :)

  2. i love seeing the feet in each photo - its like playing where's Wally? suchg vibrant colours in the bouncy castle, the veg and the yoga ball pics too. x

  3. Love the feet shots :) Those veggies look delicious already

  4. So do you have a foot fetish?! ;) Great shots!!!

  5. had a chuckle at out gathering snow in your pj's. Like the painted toe nails sticking out the bubbles and well done on it being shared on instagram.

    1. Thanks Elaine, I was exciting about the Instagram share :)

  6. I love this concept so much but keep forgetting to try *writes it in diary* great week x

    1. Lol thanks, yes the feet is a fun project, my friend did it for a couple of years and she inspired me

  7. As always a great set of photos for the week!

  8. I love the feet in all of the photos! Great colours in all of your photos which is lovely this time of year, when everything is so grey. We are off to see the Lego Movie today and the children are very excited.

  9. Playing with water slide game can expend kids imagination. When they play in the water slide, they will imagine that they are sliding into swimming pool.


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