Friday, August 2, 2013

Furniture Friday - DIY Chalkboard

Welcome back to another installment of Furniture Friday

Don't worry if you are a fan of my Scottish cooking, there is plenty more cooking and baking coming your way very soon

But first I want to share with you this adorable chalkboard

it started off life as an old dusty and very large wood picture frame that had seen better days

Oh and my favorite part of the Chalkboard story, my neighbors picked it up from the side of the road for me, which happens to be one of my favorite pastimes also, yeah I am partial to a bit of sidewalk treasure hunting myself

So first off, what to do with it? Frame a picture or canvas? Frame a mirror? No lets make a Chalkboard

Here is how it turned out

with a bit of fixing up and some well needed paint and a bit of love, it was ready to relive another day

Isn't it beautiful

I think so


Linking this week to

Weekend Bloggy Reading


The 36th Avenue


  1. Beautiful rework...I love it....Just popped over from My Turn (for us) follower!!!

  2. Yay. She's back at the blog. This is truly someone's trash as someone else's treasure!

    1. I know, I am back ! Trash to treasure items are my all time favorites :)

  3. It looks beautiful! I would love it if you would link up at our linky party:
    Live every Wednesday to Friday

  4. Shoot I wish I would have kept my old wooden frame so I could have done this dang! Great idea Come link up at my party going on now at the Style Sisters Centerpiece Wednesday and share this post.

  5. Looks like an old dresser mirror frame. Lucky you!!!! It sure fell into the right hands!

  6. This frame definitely has a new life now. What a fantastic job!

  7. That's awesome Angela. Love the shape!

  8. Good!This post is creative,you'll find a lot of new idea,it gives me inspiration. I believe I will also inspired by you and feel about extra new ideas.thanks.


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